Penis pumps How to use them

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A few steps make installation quick and easy

Place and secure the hand or electric pump on the wider end of the cylinder.
On the other side of the cylinder, place the guide sleeve and lubricate it.
Select a penis ring (also called a constriction ring) that fits the circumference of your penis and place it around the guide sleeve so that it is at the base of the cylinder.
Apply lubricant to the sleeve and to the penis.
Insert the penis into the cylinder and press the vacuum against your body to make the device as tight as possible.
Pump until you get an erection. With a manual pump, 20 to 40 pumps are sufficient. With an electric pump, simply press the start button.
When you've achieved a satisfactory erection, push the penis ring up to the base of the penis.
Remove the pump.

The constriction ring maintains the erection during sex.
Once the ring is removed, the blood flow goes back into the body and the penis is no longer erect.

Tips for use
The effectiveness of the penis pump rests on its capacity to "make the vacuum" around the penis. Its tightness is therefore essential for its proper functioning. If no erection occurs, think of checking the good sealing of the device. It is also possible to be guided by a specialized nurse or by your urologist.

How often can the penis pump be used?

The penis pump can be used every day, but we recommend that you ask your specialist for advice before use.

Advantages and disadvantages of the penis pump
What are the advantages of the penis pump?

There are very few contraindications to the use of the penis pump. It is easy to use and has been proven to be effective for men with erectile dysfunction or for men undergoing penile rehabilitation after surgery (prostate removal).

What are the disadvantages of the penis pump?

The price of the penis pump remains high (between 150 and 300 €) and is not covered by the Social Security. Although effective, some users may find the device restrictive in the medium or long term (inconvenient aspect of the material).

What are the side effects of using the penis pump?

Contrary to other treatments against erectile dysfunction (drugs including PDE5 inhibitors, penile implants, surgery) no risk of priapism or cardiovascular problems has been observed among users of the penis pump.

Some users report side effects such as bruising or insufficient rigidity, a sensation of cold penis, difficulties with ejaculation or penile pain.

How to get a penis pump?

Where to buy a penis pump?

Penis pumps can be purchased in pharmacies or on online men's health websites. Since the penis pump is not a medical device, there are many offers online. Beware of malicious sites and don't hesitate to ask your urologist for product references.

How much does a penis pump cost?

The price of a penis pump varies between 150 and 300 euros. There may be cheaper offers online but their effectiveness is not guaranteed.

How to choose the right penis pump?
There is no difference in efficiency between electric and manual penis pumps. The practical aspect of its use guides the choice of the users. Some prefer the manual system that allows total control of the pressure while others appreciate the ease of use of the electric version.
Do I need a prescription to buy a penis pump? No, the penis pump is not a medical device and is not available by prescription. If you suffer from erectile dysfunction, Zava doctors can refer you to an appropriate treatment but cannot prescribe a penis pump.