Die Vorteile von Glasdildos
Wenn du einen Glasdildo siehst, kannst du einfach nicht anders, als ihn in die Hand zu nehmen. Sein schweres Gewicht, seine glänzende, klare Form und sein glattes, kühles Gefühl auf der Haut ... sind einfach unwiderstehlich. Glasdildos können auch in einer Reihe von künstlerischen Designs mit stimulierenden Noppen, Wirbeln, doppelendigen Modellen und mehr hergestellt werden. Die Vorteile von Glasdildos sind enorm - und doch wissen viele Menschen immer noch nicht so viel darüber und fragen sich: Sind Glasdildos gut?
Die Vorteile von Glasdildos gehen über die Ästhetik hinaus. Sie sehen nicht nur schön aus, sondern können auch unglaublich funktionell sein. Glasdildos können zu einem perfekten G-Punkt-Massagegerät oder zu verschiedenen, aufregenden Spielzeugen für das Analspiel geformt werden.
Bei all diesen spaßigen sexuellen Aktivitäten ist es wichtig, auf Nummer sicher zu gehen - was uns zu einem der wichtigsten Vorteile von Glasspielzeug führt: Glas ist äußerst hygienisch. Sie müssen sich keine Sorgen machen, dass sich Bakterien in die Ritzen eines Glastoys schleichen, da es nicht porös ist. Und das ist nur der Anfang der vielen Vorteile von Glasdildos...
Wenn man sich einem neuen Sexspielzeugoder einer neuen sexuellen Erfahrung nähert, ist es wichtig zu wissen, worauf man sich einlässt. Dieser Leitfaden wird Ihnen den richtigen Weg zu intimer Befriedigung weisen und Ihnen auf dem Weg dorthin einige zusätzliche lustige Leckerbissen bieten.
Wie Glasspielzeug erfunden wurde
Im Laufe der Geschichte haben die Menschen immer wieder ihre sexuelle Lust erforscht - auch mit Hilfe von Gegenständen (auch bekannt als Sexspielzeug). Historischen Berichten zufolge wurden die mundgeblasenen und hohlen Glasdildos im 17. oder 18. Jahrhundert von italienischen Nonnen mit warmem Wasser gefüllt und verwendet - so steht es in den Schriften der damaligen Zeit.
ENTDECKEN: Wie Glasdildos hergestellt werden!
Im Jahr 1893 erfand ein deutscher Chemiker namens Otto Schott das Pyrexglas, das heute häufig zur Herstellung von Glasdildos verwendet wird. Ähnlich wie bei den Pyrex-Glasreagenzgläsern, die in chemischen Experimenten verwendet werden, sorgt die Pyrexierung von Dildos aus Borosilikatglas dafür, dass sie fest bleiben, während sie sich in deinem warmen Körper befinden, und sie ermöglicht es, sie für Temperaturspiele zu verwenden - zwei der begehrtesten Vorteile von Glasdildos.
Die Sicherheit von Glasdildos
Sind Glasdildos sicher? Das ist eine berechtigte Frage. Viele Menschen machen sich Gedanken über die Sicherheit von Glasdildos und stellen sich vor, dass das Spielzeug in Ihnen zerbricht oder Sie auf irgendeine Weise verletzt. Dieser Irrglaube könnte nicht weiter von der Wahrheit entfernt sein. Die meisten Glasspielzeuge werden aus Borosilikatglas hergestellt, das so konstruiert ist, dass es allen Arten von thermischen und chemischen Bedingungen standhält.
Dennoch kann Glas zerbrechen, wenn man es fallen lässt. Wenn du Risse oder Spannungen bemerkst, solltest du den Glasdildo sofort nicht mehr benutzen. Es wird empfohlen, mit einem Glasdildo, der heruntergefallen ist, kein Risiko einzugehen - selbst wenn keine Risse oder Schäden erkennbar sind.
Wie bereits erwähnt, gehen Glasdildos bei (ordnungsgemäßem) Gebrauch niemals zu Bruch und bieten auch in anderer Hinsicht Sicherheit, da sie hypoallergen und äußerst hygienisch sind.
Glasdildos können mit Seife und warmem Wasser oder einem Spielzeugreiniger gereinigt werden. Sie sind auch spülmaschinenfest, damit Sie es bequem haben.
Wie man einen Glasdildo benutzt
Lustprodukte aus Glas sind in einer Vielzahl von Ausführungen erhältlich, darunter auch solche für die innere Stimulation, z. B. vaginal, am G-Punkt oder am Anus. Es gibt auch Modelle, die für die äußere Stimulation der Klitoris, des Dammes und des gesamten Körpers verwendet werden können. Einer der vielen Vorteile von Glasdildos besteht darin, dass Glas während des Herstellungsprozesses so formbar ist, dass Farben, Größen und Designs völlig der Fantasie überlassen sind.
Ganz gleich, wo Ihr Vergnügen liegt, der Spaß beginnt mit der richtigen Schmierung des Dildos- vor allem, wenn Sie ihn für die innere Stimulation verwenden wollen. Da Glas-Toys nicht porös sind, sind sie auch mit jeder Art von Gleitmittel kompatibel, so dass Sie mit allen experimentieren können, bis Sie eines finden, das Ihnen das gewünschte Erlebnis bietet.
Um mit dem Glasdildo zu spielen, können Sie mit der Spitze des Spielzeugs zunächst die Klitoris oder den Damm (wenn Sie einen Penis haben) von außen stimulieren oder den äußeren Rand des Anus massieren. Wenn Sie dann das Vergnügen der inneren Stimulation erkunden wollen, können Sie das Spielzeug in die Vagina - oder in den Anus - einführen.
Für das Analspiel haben Glasdildos, wie die aus der Glas-Kollektion, einen leicht zu greifenden Griff, und es gibt auch eine Auswahl an Analspielzeugen und Plugs aus Glas mit Rückholschlaufen zum einfachen Entfernen. Wenn Sie das Analspiel erforschen, sollten Sie Gleitmittel auf Silikonbasis verwenden, damit die dicke Textur das Eindringen in das Hintertürchen noch angenehmer macht.
Wie man mit Temperaturspielen experimentiert
Glasdildos lassen sich leicht mit heißem Wasser erhitzen oder abkühlen, indem man sie für eine Weile in den Kühlschrank oder auf Eis legt. Das Spiel mit der Temperatur stimuliert die Haut mit dem Gefühl von Hitze oder Kälte, während die glatte und glatte Textur über die Haut gleitet und so ein wirklich einzigartiges Erlebnis bietet.
Die Vorteile von Glasdildos reichen von der Art, wie sie sich anfühlen, bis hin zu dem, wie sie sich anfühlen, und die zusätzlichen Vorteile, dass sie hygienisch und körperverträglich sind, sind das Sahnehäubchen auf dem Kuchen.
Dildos are sex toys that can be inserted into the mouth, anus, or vagina. While they are sometimes meant to feel like a penis, they don't have to look like one. They come in all sorts of materials, shapes and sizes.
Such as giant dildo, inflatable dildo, dildo for men. Some dildos are curved to stimulate the prostate or G-spot. A dildo with a suction cup is for those who want to keep their hands busy elsewhere. There are many different types of dildos that can also be found in our webshop.
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Are you looking for the best dildo in the world? We are here to help. In very general terms, a dildo is a phallic-shaped sex toy. But once you start looking, you'll find that the selection of dildos available today is huge. A plethora of colorful, imaginative toys to suit every shape, need and desire.
There are dildos that vibrate, inflate, ejaculate and deflate. They come in all sizes, from beginner-friendly to really huge. They are also made of different materials. There are glass dildo, stainless steel dildo, PVC dildo, natural dildo or silicone dildo. Some are designed for G-spot stimulation (G-spot dildo) others are shaped to tickle the prostate (P-spot). There are lifelike dildos that look exactly like a real penis, while others are much more abstract, some with an exotic array of nubs, bobbles and ridges to add extra thrills and sensations.
Vibrating dildos are most commonly used for sexual penetration of the vagina, anus or mouth. However, they can be used in a variety of ways - from general arousal to lesbian strap-on play to pegging. Dildos can also serve as prostheses and/or extensions. Most dildos have a phallic shape, but not all. In fact, recent trends show an incredible sense of erotic fantasy, with everything from wolf dildos and horse dildos to ice cream dildos that you can put in the fridge for temperature games. Double dildos are also popular, offering the option of double penetration for either one person or single penetration for two.
Vibrators are great and all, but have you ever tried changing their settings when they're inside you? These app-controlled vibrators make the awkwardness of the vibrator a thing of the past, while creating new possibilities like televised sex and discreet orgasms in public. The idea of a remote-controlled vibrator can sometimes be a little sexier than reality. Popularized by 50 Shades of Grey, the concept involves a partner discreetly controlling the vibrations for a manageable foray into exhibitionism.
The sliding dildo is suitable for a variety of uses. It will not rust, corrode, bend or break.
For one thing, they increase blood flow to the genitals and relax muscles to relieve pain and stress - which in turn increases arousal. And in addition to making your insides feel warm and cozy, there are plenty of other benefits to adding a heated vibrator to your collection.
These rotating vibrators deliver self-propelled motion and, unlike rubber options, are 100% body-friendly (functionally non-porous). Call it rotating, gyrating, spinning or rimming - their motion is uniquely fun!
Take your sexual pleasure to a higher level with the anal dildo. Surprise your partner with this anal dildo to fuel the fun in your sexual activities. These dildos will make you moan and scream for more with every inch! Once you've experienced the unique sensual satisfaction this anal dildo will give you, we can guarantee you'll be asking for more anal action!
Looking for the real thing but without the hassle? Try one of our realistic looking and feeling dildos for super sensations. We have a huge selection of realistic dildos in stock and all of our real feeling dildos come with 100% discreet delivery, packaging and invoice.
Squirting Dildos
(Ejaculation): This toy does everything any other dildo does. Plus, it recreates male ejaculation in a pretty realistic way. They come in different shapes and sizes, and some of them vibrate. This makes it a perfect toy for strap-on sex, pegging, and couple and solo play. Moreover, they can even be used for conception. This is very convenient for couples who for some reason can't do it the traditional way. And with the invention of this powerful tool, they have the opportunity to do it in the intimate atmosphere of their home. So, depending on your preferences and the purpose for which you want to use them, you have more than one exciting choice.
Cyberskin dildos: having a faithful dildo can mean much more than sexual satisfaction. It means fewer lonely nights, more opportunities to experiment, and a versatile cock for you to play with. With our realistic penis cyberskin vibrator, you can have all that and more! Giving this device extra love is key to making it last a long time. Always wash it well with soap and water, then dry it thoroughly with a clean cloth. Store it safely in a separate container and keep it out of direct sunlight.
Uncut Dildo: Want to know what it feels like to be fucked by a huge, richly textured cock? A realistic dildo can do just that. All you have to do is get our uncut dildo! Like a real cock, this soft dildo has realistic skin. Hold the cock and squeeze it in your hand like there's no tomorrow! Pinch the stretchy skin and you will believe that the women dildo is real. Enjoy it as it is and have sexual intercourse with this meaty cock!
Suction cup dildos
A suction cup dildo does the trick and delivers the goodness of a real penis. Hitting the G-spot is also a breeze thanks to its pinpoint accuracy. The shaft of the dildo has nubs that allow for more intense vaginal or anal stimulation. At its base is a strong suction cup for a pleasant, hands-free experience. The dildo is made of food-grade silicone and is completely safe for internal use. It is hypoallergenic, non-toxic and phthalate-free, so you won't hesitate to insert it into any of your orifices.
A strap-on dildo is designed to be used by people without a penis. It comes with a strap that fastens around the waist and legs of the wearer, while the phallus is inserted through an O-ring opening at the front. The phallus is inserted through an O-ring opening at the front. Versatility is an important unique selling point of this type of dildo - it's a popular sex toy among lesbian couples and straight partners who want to try their hand at role-reversal games with a little pegging. The better kits come with different sized O-rings so you can change the size of the dildo to your liking. This is one dildo for men and one dildo for women.
Do you feel like penetrating your partner or being penetrated by him? Dildo harnesses and sets give you everything you need to start strap-on sex or pegging. Choose from a wide range of strap-on harnesses and sets to suit your needs and your budget. Which is the best sex harness or strap-on dildo for you? Strap-on sex toys are the very definition of a couple's toy and are designed to change the sexual dynamic in your relationship. They can be used by heterosexuals, homosexuals, bi people, pansexual people.... pretty much anyone!
Face Strap Ons Dildo: It belongs to every bondage and S&M party. Nevertheless, it is still largely unknown to many people who are otherwise very enthusiastic about strapon sex. At this point, we want to briefly describe what makes the Headharness or Face Strap on Dildo so special. By moving the head, the wearer of the head harness thrusts, pulls the dildo out of the partner's vagina and brings her to an ecstatic orgasm. The wearer of the head harness can also sit on the floor and control the penetration of the dildo himself. With his head between his legs, he is condemned to passivity and the pleasure-creating element of the act. Especially for submissive men and women this humiliation with a dildo on the head is the non plus ultra. Conclusion - wearing a head harness is a damn crazy feeling.
Chin Dildo/Chin Dildo: Some women can be really difficult to please in bed. They want their private parts to be licked, while at the same time they want their nipples to be rotated and their G-spot to be stimulated. Fortunately, there are sex toys that can help you magically become the ultimate sexual satisfier by touching them everywhere at once. What is this toy, you ask? A chin strap dildo. The best dildos can satisfy you by touching her vagina, stimulating her G-spot, and licking her clitoris.
Enter a world of fantasy dildos. There are dragons, unicorns, aliens, zombies, vampires, werewolves, octopuses and other mythical creatures, all with equally mythical and unique penises.
Is there intelligent life out there besides us? And if so, what do their dicks feel like? Both equally important questions. And alien dildos make our heads and holes ponder them even more deeply. A sexual adventure that's out of this world, that's the kind of pleasure most are looking for. More texture, more pleasure! Don't miss this chance to experience an out of this world yet explosive climax!
Experience what creatures feel under the sea with a tentacle dildo! We know the usual sea monster stories about a giant squid wreaking havoc on a ship. There would also be familiar scenes like the creature wrapping its victim with its slimy tentacles and suction cups. Well, now you can see for yourself with our collection of high quality tentacle dildo sex toys!Many models of orgasmic tentacle dildos are made of high quality Pyrex or borosilicate glass. These materials are commonly used to make other types of sex toys and are also the most recommended materials used. The reason for this is because of their quality. Not every glass material has all the properties that make it suitable for use as sex toys. But we make sure that ours have all of those properties. We even tell you what to look for when choosing.
Can a dildo be any cooler than this? It's a stylish dildo, as stylish as a zombie tail can get. The zombie tail is incredibly detailed. It is one of the most gorgeous things you will ever put inside you. Whether that's because it's a zombie tail or because of the texture.
Animal dildos are one of the most popular types of fantasy dildos. They are perfect if you have such a fetish, but even if you don't, their unique feelings and sensations are amazing.There are large dildos and small dildos that can take you to cloud 9.
Most horse dildos are large, and only veterans will be able to sink these beasts, but the reward is worth it, it feels amazing!!!! You will also find other members of the horse family: ponies, mules, donkeys and even unicorns and pegasuses. Be sure to use plenty of lube and warm up properly before attempting to mount these beasts, they are generally not a dildo for beginners!
Sometimes a real penis or even a lifelike cock isn't enough to achieve that elusive orgasm. Then why not try out a dog dildo? It offers you a unique way to spice up your sex play. Explore the world of erotic wildness with a dog dildo. This toy will surely bring out the wild side in you!
Curious how a wolf's tail feels inside you? Wild and savage, a wolf's tail knows only one thing: to give you a crowning end. To enjoy this beastly cock, you should cover it with a condom and slather it with water-based lube to make every glide smooth and slippery. Wash it off with warm water and antibacterial soap if you've gotten dirty with it. Do the same when you're done with your dirty business to prevent bacteria buildup.
First of all, congratulations on deciding to buy a sex toy. Whether you're looking for a realistic dildo, an inflatable dildo, or remote control dildos. It is a good start to acknowledge and realize yourself in a safe way. You will find the places where you enjoy being satisfied the most, you will find the pace of thrusts that you connect with the most, and over time you will adjust to different speeds and be able to respond to different speeds of movement and be sensitive in more places. This will give you more pleasure in having sex with your partner or alone and you will enjoy sex to the fullest.
Dildos are the most versatile sex toys. Unlike a vibrator, a dildo does not move by itself. One of the wonders of dildos is that they come in shapes and sizes that no man has - so they can bring a whole new dimension to your sex life. Choosing the right dildois crucial. If you're not sure what size you want, think about the other things you've used for penetration (fingers, penises, vibrators, etc.) and choose a dildo from our store that you know will fit you well.